28 June 2012

Guilty as Charged

thrifted vintage skirt, Gap shirt and denim jacket,
Banana Republic wedges, Swarovski necklace (gift from Matt)
I know I just wore this skirt last week, but luckily there isn't a rule that says I can't do that. Sometimes, it feels like I can't repeat an outfit or even just part of an outfit because it will be boring for people to see. Then, I realize that it doesn't really matter. I wanted to wear this skirt with this denim jacket and no one was going to stop me. Maybe it's not going to bring me more page views or visits, but I decided a long time ago that's not why I write this blog. I write it to keep a visual journal of what I wear because it helps me keep my closet organized. I know exactly which items in my closet get the most wear and which ones don't.

Before I started blogging, I had a very different wardrobe. It's not that it was bigger exactly, but it wasn't as well-rounded as it is now. Now, I don't buy certain things unless I can see myself wearing it at least a couple of different ways. Blogging has helped me revamp my wardrobe, as well as figure out and define my personal style. Although blogging about personal style isn't for everyone, keeping some sort of documentation would definitely be useful for someone trying to clean out/organize/reinvent their closet. After just a few weeks, it's easy to see the styles and colors you tend to gravitate to. Then, it's just as easy as getting rid of all the other stuff that doesn't make the cut!


  1. I love seeing you remix items.  Isn't that why 30x30 challenges are always popular?  People love seeing other style bloggers use what they have in multiple, creative ways, and that is exactly what you are doing.  Keep up the remixing!  Especially with this skirt.  I love it.  I definitely would have snatched it up if I found it in the thrift store.

  2. I totally relate to what you're saying! Love the outfit though!

  3. Love ur skirt cute outfit, follow each other?

  4. wardrobeexperienceJuly 14, 2012 at 3:38 PM

    light denim and orange is brilliant. big love.

